

福島県のいちごは、冬の日射量が豊富な地域から豪雪地帯まで、各地の気象条件を生かした栽培が行われています。 甘酸っぱくて生のまま手軽に食べられるいちごは、ビタミンCを豊富に含み、カリウムが多く、ナトリウムが少ないため、利尿作用や高血圧の予防に効果があると言われています。 いちごは、幅広い層に好まれていることから、より一層のおいしさを求めて、全国各地で品種改良が行われ、次々と新しい品種が誕生しています。




「ゆうやけベリー」は、ほおばるたび、口いっぱい、心いっぱいに、幸せがゆうやけのように広がります。一粒一粒から明日への輝かしい希望を感じられるいちごです。 福島県が「かおり野」と「とちおとめ」を交配し、5,433個体から選抜を重ねました。延べ20か所での現地試験を経て、交配から約10年の月日をかけて2022年に誕生しました。 「ゆうやけベリー」という名前は、「橙色を感じさせる鮮やかな赤色を表現している」という理由で、全国から募集した1万7,732点の中から選ばれました。


Privacy Policy

1.Basic Concept

Fukushima Prefecture (the “Prefecture”) collects information of all users of the Fukushima Pride website (the “Website”) within the scope necessary for smooth operation of services provided by the Website (provision of information on the Website, etc.). The collected information is appropriately handled within the scope of the defined purpose of use.

2.Scope of Information Collected

(i) The Website automatically collects Internet domain names, IP addresses and other information concerning browsing of the Website, etc.
(ii) The Website uses cookies to collect information on the user attributes of those who use the Website.

3.Purpose of Use

Information collected within “2. Scope of Information Collected” will be used as a reference for smooth operation of services provided by the Website.

4.Limitations on Use and Provision

The Prefecture will not use information it collects, nor provide such information to third parties, for any other purposes described in “3. Purpose of Use”, except when disclosure of the information is required under laws and regulations, in the event of unauthorized access, threats or any other illegal acts, or for other special reasons. Notwithstanding the foregoing, access information collected on the Website, suggestions and opinions submitted to the Prefecture or related individual attributes may be released in the form of statistically processed data or opinions.

5.Measures for Ensuring Security

The Prefecture will take necessary measures for preventing leakage, loss or damage of the collected information or for otherwise managing the collected information in an appropriate manner. The Prefecture may subcontract operation of the Website to another operator, but will ensure that such an operator takes necessary measures for managing the collected information in an appropriate manner.

6.Use of Google Analytics

The Fukushima Pride website uses Google Analytics to improve its services. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect user information, but such collected information is anonymous and is not associated with browsers' personal information. User information is collected in accordance with Google's privacy policy. For more information, please refer to the terms of use and privacy policy of Google Analytics.

Terms of Use of Google Analytics (Google website)
Privacy Policy (Google website)

7.Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Fukushima Pride website. Handling of information by related organizations, etc. will be carried out under their own responsibility.